Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bill "Ray" Casey loses huge

Just a follow-up on the recent Bill Casey loss.

His rumored campaign chairman was none other than Dale Kelley. Mr. Kelley's last campaign also resulted in a loss when he managed the 2007 CP Town Justice race.

Note to self: Don't hire Dale if you want to win an election.

Bruno Convicted

As predicted, Joe Bruno has been convicted and if sentencing guidelines are followed he will likely serve time in jail.

Next to fall will be Saratoga County chairman John "Jasper" Nolan who will face increasing scrutiny for potential ethical transgressions.

Stay tuned for more solid reporting from inside the beast.

Please keep your comments coming, your support has been fabulous.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Bruno should worry about JAIL, not the State GOP Chairman

It's time for ole Joe to say goodbye to public life and politics.
Joe Bruno should be getting his personal affairs in order before his trial and possible JAIL sentence.
Joe, stop worrying about the state GOP Chair, just shut up and go away - you helped put the GOP in the current sorry state. Go away, nobody cares what you think except your butt boy Jasper Nolan and his days are numbered.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

TOP Republican challenges Jasper Nolan for Top Spot

The Clifton Park Town Highway Superintendent is telling people today that a public figure has openly challenged Jasper Nolan's leadership in the County.

In an ironic twist of fate, this person was once given a high level "patronage" job at OGS by Nolan but apparently even Nolan couldn't help keep this person's job when he mysteriously was rumored to have "moved on".

Nolan also recently supported this former town offical and assigned him the task of leading a "coalition" along with planning board chairman Steve Bulger and Town Republican Chairman Bob Wilcox. Their mission was to get Nolan cronies to join the town committee to get enough votes to oust the former chairman who never lost a GOP seat in town and was threatening Nolan's "County Chairman for Life" status.

These 3 Coalition leaders got 12 cronies to be appointed by Nolan and vote Wilcox into the leadership post and for that Wilcox was rewarded with a County Attorney's patronage job and the other two became Nolan butt boys preserving Nolan's leadership and contributing to more high profile Republican election losses recently which now threaten the party's long held dominance in the county.

The person pictured above and named by the Highway Superintendent is Dale Kelley. The information we received was that Kelley would resign from Nolan's county committee and join the town Democrats in supporting their Democrat candidate for town supervisor thus threatening Nolan's county GOP majority on the board of Supervisors.

We learned also that it's possible that a former Columbia County Democrat Chairman, posing as a Jasper Nolan Republican on the CP town Committee and very (very) close ally of Clifton Park's other town Supervisor Anita Daly is also interested in Nolan's job as county boss. However they plan to switch Daly's registration to the Democratic Party (ala Arlen Specter), challenge the Veitch seat in the Spa City with a Dem candidate and attempt to switch the county to Democratic majority dominance.

Many GOP County workers along with Nolan could possibly be thrown out on their rears - ironically, thanks to Nolan's buffoonery, along with his coaliton in Clifton Park, proving that the biggest threat to the GOP in Saratoga was Nolan himself.

So Who are these Nolan Coalition members?

Anita Daly openly campaigned for Kristen Gillibrand and is rumored to be waiting to switch her registration to Democrat to help create a position for a Democrat County Committee Chairman...

Marty Torrey, former County Democrat Boss turned CP Republican Committee man with his eyes on another County Chairman post, this time in Saratoga, was also an open supporter and contributor to Hillary Clinton.

Neil Weiner, former Vice Chairman of the town GOP committee and current member and CPWA (Patronage) attorney, had to switch his enrollment FROM being a Democrat.

Is this starting to look like a Trojan Horse?

All these Clifton Park Coaliton members made the decision to drink the Nolan Kool-Aid and it's killing the Republican Party -

The Democrats are thrilled with their allies, a.k.a. the Clifton Park "coalition".

Wednesday, May 06, 2009


The Women's Republican Club Dinner will be held Friday May 15 at the Saratoga City Center.

Jasper has chosen his Master of Ceremonies for the event and will also award her the Young Republican of the year.

The recipient, pictured to the Left, is Elaine Kelly.

She and Jasper are continually invigorating the party and are bringing new technologies to the campaigns. Elaine's recogniton is partly because she restarted the YR's of Saratoga and feel they will be quite successful networking at the local Elks's Bingo nights.

Not to be forgotten, Chris Callaghan will be at the head table honored for dancing on the Tom Lewis Grave and given the award for "opportunist of the year" for kissing Jasper's behind hoping and praying Jasper will allow him to be his personal pawn and replacement as Chairman when Jasper turns 80 and Callaghan turns 70.

So much for change. So much for new blood. So much for out with the old and in with the new.

The Saratoga GOP is hell bent on continuing their failures and promoting cronies and older white men with no electoral successes.

will continue to lead the Saratoga GOP into the toilet as his losses pile up like manure on a horse farm.

The absolute cowardice of people standing up and demanding his resignation CONFIRMS that the GOP is dead in Saratoga as the total absence of leadership has allowed Nolan to continue his failed campaigns.

The pile of manure on Nolan's resume is phenomenal and the lack of media scrutiny into his unethical organization is bizarre.

R.I.P. Saratoga County Republicans -