Monday, November 10, 2008

Jasper Nolan resignation petition circulated

Saratoga Politics has been sent the text of the Jasper Nolan "petition" rumored to be circulating by hand and e-mail in Saratoga County.

Potential "signers" are being asked to print out a copy and pass it on to other like thinking party reformers who want to modernize the party.

The person who leaked the letter to the Saratoga Politics Blog intimated (hinted) that everyone will be encouraged to talk about the petition at functions until it creates the necessary mass and momentum to actually get Nolan to retire.

People have been intimidated by Nolan in the past and are hesitant to "go on the record" and realize that Nolan will not retire without being "pushed out" thus the petition was created to start the process of reform in a respectful fashion.

An Open Letter to Chairman Nolan

Dear Chairman,

Last week, Saratoga County Republicans experienced another round of unexpected losses. Following years of setbacks in Republican strongholds, we saw the upset defeat of our city court candidate in Saratoga Springs, while Barack Obama carried our county and the party's hand-picked Congressional candidate lost it by the largest margin in memory.

The results of the 2008 elections were a clear warning. The ability of a liberal Democrat like Barack Obama to win countywide is the clearest testament to date of the failings of our current leadership and the collapse of our credibility with the voters of Saratoga County. Next year, we will undoubtedly face a Democrat effort unlike any we have seen before. Emboldened by their victories, with greater resources and newer technologies at their disposal, we can expect the Democrats to launch serious efforts against virtually all of our Republican candidates on the 2009 ballot.

For our own survival, we believe it is imperative that the county party come under new leadership. We need a chairman capable of putting forth a new strategy to reverse our fortunes and to withstand this onslaught. We need a chairman who can adapt our organization to utilize emerging technologies and to respond to the changes our county is undergoing. Most importantly, we need a chairman who can renew the image of the Republican Party in the eyes of the voters.

We make this statement with the utmost respect for your years of service and the many victories you have led us to in years past, and we know that you share the same commitment to guaranteeing the future of the Republican Party in Saratoga County.


Anonymous said...

Jasper quoted on Daily Politics blog:
"There have been some discussions about the blame game, but what we ran into is what I would call the perfect political tsunami," said Nolan, (mixing his metaphors just a tad there).

"I think the current leadership, myself included, we did what we could," Nolan continued. "Basically, just to throw everybody out because we ran against a tough campaign and a very charismatic presidential candidate, that's not a reason to give up. There were circumstances beyond our control."

"You have to admit, we were in trouble from Day One, let's faceit. I love the president, but he reputation was going down."


Anonymous said...

As the Mechanicville GOP would say...